The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Alex Haley is back in port in Kodiak, Alaska after a 35-day winter Bering Sea patrol during which it engaged in domestic fisheries enforcement, responded to search and rescue incidents and performed at-sea medical evacuations from the Bering Sea fishing fleet.
The cutter returned March 29.
During the patrol, five search and rescue cases resulted in crew members saving five lives, according to the USCG, including an individual who experienced chest pain at Akutan and a 20-month-old child at King Cove suffering from respiratory distress.
The crew maintained a law enforcement presence throughout the Aleutian Islands chain to prevent the illegal harvesting of U.S. fish stocks. They conducted seven fisheries boardings, investigated reports of two fishing vessels suspected of fishing in a closed Steller sea lion rookery and issued one violation for improper recordkeeping, according to the USCG.
Cmdr. Brian Whisler, commanding officer of the Alex Haley, said he was proud of the crew’s accomplishments.
“Having only spent 35 days in the Bering Sea, the crew made invaluable contributions to protecting and defending human life while also safeguarding Alaska’s abundant natural resources,” he said.