Applications are due by July 24 for federal funds to be awarded for fisheries research and development projects in 2024 through the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act, including but not limited to harvesting, processing, marketing and associated business infrastructures.
About 40 grants of various amounts are expected to be awarded from $10 million available through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in amounts ranging from $25,000 to $500,000. The funds are for up to a two-year period. No matching funds are required and are not considered during the evaluation process.
The program supports cultural and gender diversity. Women and minority individuals and groups are encouraged to apply, as well as historic Black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions and tribal colleges and universities.
Grants are anticipated to be awarded no earlier than Sept. 1, 2024.
Awards and cooperative agreements are made on a competitive basis, subject to availability of funding, to assist in carrying out projects to expand domestic and foreign markets related to domestic commercial and foreign markets related to domestic commerce and recreational fisheries.
The objective of the S-K Research and Development Program is to promote U.S. fisheries by helping fishing communities to address marketing and research needs.
Proposals submitted to this competition must address at least one of the following priorities: promotion, and marketing; development, infrastructure and capacity building; science or technology that enhances sustainable U.S. fisheries.
Eligible applicants include U.S. citizens or nationals of the United States representing a corporation, partnership, association or other non-federal entity, non-profit or otherwise, including Native American tribes. They must submit a pre-proposal which meets submission requirements listed by the deadline.
For further information for the Alaska Region contact Kristin Cieciel via Kristin.cieciel@noaa.gov. For the West Coast Region, the contact is Desmond Gelman at desmond.gelman@noaa.gov. Scott Bloom is the Pacific Islands contact at