Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Care About Sustainable Seafood

Four out of five Americans agree that sustainable seafood and ocean health are important, according to survey results released in October on behalf of the Walton Family Foundation.

The survey, conducted by business intelligence company Morning Consult, found that 80% of respondents view the health of fish and oceans, and the ocean’s ability to provide enough fish and seafood as personally important.

The poll shows that promoting sustainable seafood and protecting the health of fish in oceans is top of mind for Americans, Walton Family Foundation said in an Oct. 9 statement announcing the study’s results.

“From middle America to the coasts, choosing sustainable seafood that prioritizes ocean health will help foster healthy communities and a healthy planet,” Moira Mcdonald, director of the Walton Family Foundation’s Environment Program, said.

“The ocean plays a critical part in our food security, and this poll shows that Americans understand that connection. People increasingly understand that taking care of nature is the key to taking care of people and communities too. Sustainable seafood is a great example of that mindset put into action,” Mcdonald said.

Among the survey’s findings:

A strong majority of adults (84%) believe that, because three billion people worldwide rely on seafood as their primary source of protein, it’s important to “promote sustainable seafood and protect the health of fish in oceans.” This issue has bipartisan consensus, with 82% of Republicans, 92% of Democrats and 78% of independents agreeing on the statement.

Concern for the health of fish in oceans is driven by two factors: continued availability of seafood and ocean health more broadly. Broad majorities believe in the importance of food security in America (85%), the health of the oceans (83%) and the ability of the oceans to provide fish and seafood (80%). 

Half of all respondents (51%) think the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to protect the health of fish in oceans. The dissatisfaction spans partisan lines and is rooted in a deeper concern for environmental health and food security; Democrats (56%) are more likely than Republicans (47%) and independents (49%) to think the government isn’t doing enough. 

The Walton Family Foundation is a nonprofit that focuses on environmental and educational causes. Detailed findings of its sustainable seafood survey can be seen at https://tinyurl.com/mwfbkt69.