From the Publisher

Dear Readers,

It is with mixed emotions that I am writing to let you know that future issues of Fisherman’s News Magazine will be presented in digital format only.

While I am a big believer in print publications, and it is my preferred medium for reading magazines, the economics of printing and mailing magazines continues to move in the wrong direction. Our revenues simply cannot keep pace with the ever-increasing costs. 

When I revived Fisherman’s News back in 2021 after the former publisher decided to cease the publication, I really felt that the magazine needed to be saved, as it provides valuable information to the commercial fishing community in the Pacific region. I still feel that way.

We are transitioning to a new, more mobile friendly e-Magazine. This new experience will allow you, the reader, to have a better reading experience, without having to zoom in and out to read content as is the case with traditional “flipbook” type digital editions that we produce today.

The new e-Magazine version will also allow for better search capabilities for topics in current and archived issues. We will be rolling out this new format with the January 2025 issues. To emphasize, we will still be producing a great magazine—just not printing it and putting it in the mail.

To those of you who have supported us with print edition subscriptions, thank you. I feel bad for having to let you down. You are owed a refund for print issues that you have paid for and will not receive as part of your subscription.

To claim that refund, please contact If you would be willing to transfer your print subscription to a digital subscription, I would be most grateful. We do plan on charging for certain access levels to the digital edition, but we will automatically credit you for any un-used portion of your print subscription should you choose to not request a refund.

To our advertisers, thank you for your support of the print publication, and I hope you will continue to support us as we transform into the digital age. The digital edition allows us to provide an enhanced experience to people who are interested in your products and services, as they will be able to visit your web sites, watch video and interact with your brand directly from the digital edition of our magazine.

I am excited to get underway into the digital age with Fisherman’s News Magazine and I do believe that everyone will find the new e-Magazine to be a great reading experience. I look forward to having you on this voyage with me. Thank you for your continued support.

Dave Abrams, Publisher