Hello and welcome to a new era for Fishermen’s News magazine.
If you missed the announcement that ran in this space last issue, here’s the news: beginning with this issue, Fishermen’s News will be available exclusively as a digital publication.
To be clear, the publication is still being produced in a magazine format and is offered electronically, but not in physical form.
The digital edition’s available both online and offline, and has added features that aren’t available in print, including the ability to zoom in & out on text and images, and the ability to click on ads to go directly to the advertiser’s website.
The electronic magazine capability also allows readers to read the magazine on a phone, tablet or computer. Plus, it automatically scales to the proper screen size for an optimal reading experience.
In short, there’s a lot to love about the new format.
If you’re a longtime reader you may be asking yourself why, after all this time, is this change being implemented?
We’re shifting to the E-Magazine format because an overwhelming number of our readers—more than 80%—have indicated that they prefer to receive the magazine electronically. And since that’s the case, the economics for printing and mailing the magazine for the other 20% of our readership just don’t make sense.
In other words, our readers have spoken, and we are listening.
According to the feedback we’ve received, many of our subscribers are on vessels, and getting an electronic version allows them to get their news faster.
And as many of our younger and Internet-savvy readers know, being a digital magazine means that Fishermen’s News can be taken with you anywhere that a cellular phone or tablet can, so you basically can carry multiple issues of the magazine in your pocket.
On top of that, it’s the “greener” way to get information out, as we’re not killing trees. Plus, we reduce our carbon footprint by not using emissions-generating vehicles to deliver a print magazine.
But if you’re wondering about the quality of the content of the magazine, no need: it will remain the same. We’ll still have all the news about the commercial fishing industry that you want, need and care about. It’s just that now all the information will be available in a newer, more modern format.
It’s a format that may take a while for longtime subscribers to get used to, but the change is one that we know you’ll find useful and more efficient.
Thanks for reading.
Managing Editor Mark Nero can be reached by phone at (619) 313-4351 or via email at mark@maritimepublishing.com.