Alaska’s Commercial Fisheries: There’s Always a Harvest at Hand

Pacific cod. Photo: NOAA Fisheries.

By Margaret Bauman

No matter the day, month or year, somewhere in Alaska a commercial fishery is likely happening, given an allowable biomass that’s confirmed under the watchful eyes of state and federal fisheries managers.

From shellfish fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands to pot and jig cod in the groundfish fisheries and the winter troll for king salmon in Southeast Alaska, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and NOAA Fisheries are busy year-round managing them all, with emergency openers and closures as needed.

Along with annual biomass surveys and other data collected on the abundance of stock in each fishery, state and federal managers need to contend with other issues, including recording incidental catch of species not targeted, weather conditions, ocean temperatures and other climate change-related issues.

At times, even when fisheries are open and weather conditions are suitable, harvesters may choose not to fish because prices offered to them by processors are not to their liking, or there simply are not sufficient available markets.

The markets themselves are a complex issue, subject to global competition, politics and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fisheries.

Generally speaking, in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) and Gulf of Alaska federal and state groundfish fisheries open at midnight on Jan. 1 and close at midnight on Dec. 31 unless otherwise listed, Krista Milani, a fishery management specialist with the Sustainable Fisheries Division of NOAA Fisheries at Dutch Harbor told Fishermen’s News.

Two of the biggest groundfish fisheries by weight and value are pollock and cod.

The dates of these groundfish openers vary by gear type. The “A” season for the federal Bering Sea pollock fishery opens on Jan. 1 and runs through June 10, followed by the “B” season from June 10 through Nov. 1.

Cod fisheries managed by NOAA include:

BSAI hook-and-line Pacific cod – “A” season Jan. 1-June 10; B season June 10-Dec. 31.

BSAI trawl Pacific cod – “A” season Jan. 20-April 1; “B” season April 1- June 10; “C” season June 10-Nov. 1. The exceptions are Amendment 80 and Community Development Quota groups, which may fish until Dec. 31

BSAI pot Pacific cod – “A” season Jan. 1-June 10; “B” season Sept. 1-Dec. 31.

BSAI jig Pacific cod –  “A” season Jan. 1-April 30; “B” season April 30-Aug. 31; “C” season Aug. 31-Sept. 31

Gulf of Alaska (GOA) includes:

GOA pollock – “A” season –Jan. 20-May 31; “B” season Sept. 1-Nov. 1

GOA hook-and-line and pot Pacific cod –  “A” season Jan. 1-June 10; “B” season Sept. 1-Dec. 31

GOA trawl Pacific cod –  “A” season Jan. 20-June 10; “B” season Sept. 1- Nov. 1.

GOA jig Pacific cod – “A” season. 1-June 10; “B” season June 10-Dec. 31

CGOA rockfish program – April 1-Dec. 31

For the Eastern Aleutians, Eastern and Bering Sea:

Asia Beder, an assistant area management biologist for NOAA at Dutch Harbor, provided data on six shellfish fisheries:

Eastern Aleutian Islands golden king crab – Aug. 1-April 30

Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab – Aug. 1- April 30

Bristol Bay red king crab –  Oct. 15, 2024-Jan. 15, 2025

State Fisheries

Bairdi Tanner crab pot Jan. 1 through mid-March

Opilio Tanner crab  pot Jan. 1-May 30

Blue king crab  pot Jan. 1 to early February

Golden king crab Jan. 1-April 30

Dungeness crab May 1 to mid-October

Scallops Jan. 1 to mid-February

Red king crab pot early January and mid-October to Dec. 31

Cod mid-February to Dec. 31 for trawl, longline, pot and jig

Rockfish jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Sablefish lot/longline mid-March to mid-November

Alaska Peninsula

Chinook salmon gillnet June/July

Sockeye salmon gillnet/seine June 1-Sept. 30

Herring mid-May-June 30

Dungeness crab pot May 1-Dec. 31

Tanner crab pot mid-January to mid-March

Shrimp Pot/trawl Jan. 1 to March 15 and May 15 to Dec. 31

Scallops dredge Jan. 1 to early March

Cod pot/jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish pot Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Bristol Bay

Chinook salmon gillnet mid-May to Sept. 30

Coho salmon gillnet – June 1 to Sept. 30

Pink salmon gillnet June 1 to Sept. 30

Sockeye salmon gillnet June 1 to Sept. 30

Chum salmon gillnet June 1 to Sept. 30

Herring gillnet/seine bait mid-April to May 31

Roe on Kelp hand mid-April to May 31


Sockeye salmon 

seine/gillnet June 1-Sept. 30

Herring trawl/seine Jan. 1-Feb. 28

Herring sac roe seine/gillnet mid-April-June 30

Dungeness crab pot May 1-Dec. 31

Tanner crab pot mid-January to March 31

Shrimp trawl Jan. 1-Feb. 28; mid-June to Dec. 31

Shrimp pot Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Scallops dredge Jan. 1 to mid-February

Sea urchins dive Jan. 1-Jan. 31

Sea cucumber dive Jan. 1- April 30

Cod pot/jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish jig Jan. 1- Dec. 31


Sockeye salmon purse seine June 1-Sept. 30

Cod pot and jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Prince William Sound/Copper River

Chinook salmon gillnet mid-May to June 30

Coho salmon gillnet/seine mid-August to mid-October

Pink salmon gillnet/seine mid-June to mid-September

Sockeye salmon gillnet mid-May to mid-August

Chum salmon gillnet/seine June 1-Aug. 30

Shrimp pot mid-April to mid-September

Shrimp trawl mid-April to mid-August

Pacific cod state waters longline/pot/jig March 1-Dec. 31 

Pollock trawl mid-January to March 30

Lingcod jig bycatch only July 1 to Dec. 31, longline

Cook Inlet (Upper)

Chinook salmon gillnet June 1-July 31

Pink salmon gillnet June 1-Aug. 31

Sockeye salmon gillnet mid-June to mid-August

Cook Inlet (Lower)

Sockeye salmon gillnet/seine June 1 to mid-August

Chum salmon gillnet/seine mid-June to Aug. 31

Cook Inlet

Herring sac roe and foot bait mid-April May 31

Razor clam shovel Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Hardshell clam rake March 1-Dec. 31

Pacific cod, parallel Jan. 1-Dec. 31
state waters pot/jig

Rockfish, bycatch Jan. 1-Dec. 31
only/mandatory  full retention jig directed


Sockeye salmon setnet/gillnet June 1 to mid-August

Scallop dredge Jan. 1 to mid-February

Pacific cod longline/jig/pot Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Lingcod jig mid-May-Nov. 30 

Southeast Alaska

Chinook salmon spring troll May 1-June 30

Coho salmon seine/gillnet/troll June 1 to mid-October

Pink salmon seine/ gillnet/troll June 1 to mid-October

Sockeye salmon  seine/gillnet mid-June to mid-September

Chum salmon seine/ mid-June to mid-October

Herring food/bait seine Jan. 1-Feb. 28
and Oct. 1-Dec. 31

Southeast Alaska

Herring sac roe seine/gillnet mid-March to mid-May

Herring roe on kelp pound mid-March to mid-May

Red/blue king crab pot Jan. 1-Jan. 31
and Nov. 1-Dec. 31

Golden king crab pot mid-February to mid-June
(may be extended)

Dungeness crab pot Jan. 1-31; mid-June to mid-August and Oct. 1-Dec. 31

Tanner crab pot mid-February to March 30

Shrimp beam trawl Jan. 1- Feb. 28
and May 1-Dec. 31

Shrimp pot Jan. 1- March 30;
mid-May to July 31

Geoducks dive Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Red Urchin dive Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Sea cucumber dive Jan. 1-March 30
and Oct. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish jig Jan. 1-Dec. 31

Rockfish longline Jan. 1 to mid-March

Sablefish South June 1 to mid-August
Southeast longline

Lingcod jig mid-May to Nov. 30

Cod jig/pot/longline Jan. 1 – Dec. 31

Kuskokwim River

Chum salmon gillnet mid-June to July 31

Yukon River

Chinook salmon June 1-July 31
gillnet/fish wheel

Summer chum mid- June to mid-August
gillnet/fish wheel

Norton Sound

Chinook salmon gillnet mid-June to mid-July

Pink salmon gillnet late-June to mid-July

Chum salmon gillnet mid-June to mid-July


Herring sac roe gillnet/seine * May 1-31

Margaret Bauman can be reached at