Article Category: U.S. Coast Guard News

Coast Guard Cutter Returns to California Following 110-Day Arctic Deployment

Coast Guard Cutter Returns to California Following 110-Day Arctic Deployment

The crew of Coast Guard cutter Stratton returned to its Alameda, Calif. homeport in November after completing a 110-day fishery operations-related patrol in the Arctic Ocean, Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea. The Stratton departed Alameda in July and patrolled the Alaskan Inside Passage to Juneau, Alaska, throughout the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering Sea and into the Arctic Ocean. The crew supported U.S. strategic interests in the high latitudes and ensured the safety and compliance of domestic fishery operators. This was the Stratton’s second 110-day Alaska patrol in 2024, according to the Guard. During the patrol, the Stratton conducted 20 boardings of commercial fishing vessels and foreign trans-shipment vessels enforcing safety and fishing regulations. “Alaska’s fisheries are some of the n...
Ailing Crewmember Medevac’d from Fishing Vessel 78 Miles Offshore Maui

Ailing Crewmember Medevac’d from Fishing Vessel 78 Miles Offshore Maui

The Coast Guard medevac’d an ailing man from a commercial fishing vessel 78 miles offshore Kahului, Maui on Oct. 22. Coast Guard Sector Honolulu command center watchstanders say they received a medevac request at 4:57 p.m. on Oct. 21 from personnel aboard the 70-foot fishing vessel Pacific Dragon II. The personnel stated a crew member was experiencing abdominal pain. Watchstanders then consulted with the on-duty flight surgeon, who recommended a medevac. An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point launched and rendezvoused with the Pacific Dragon II about 78 miles northeast of Kahului. The helicopter crew arrived on scene at 4:03 a.m. and transported the 35-year-old man to Maui Memorial Medical Center in Wailuku, Hawaii. He was in stable condition two day...
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Oliver Berry Returns Following 46-Day Anti-IUU Patrol

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Oliver Berry Returns Following 46-Day Anti-IUU Patrol

The crew of Coast Guard cutter Oliver Berry returned to its homeport of Honolulu in late September after completing a 46-day patrol in Oceania. The crew’s efforts included enhancing maritime domain awareness, combatting illegal fishing activities across Oceania and strengthening relationships with regional partners. During the patrol, the cutter’s crew enacted two bilateral maritime law enforcement agreements with Fiji and Samoa.  The cutter departed Coast Guard Base Honolulu in August and traveled more than 7,600 nautical miles from the Hawaiian Islands to the west coast of Fiji. The patrol was in support of Operation Blue Pacific, a Coast Guard District 14 mission promoting security, safety, sovereignty and economic prosperity in Oceania. While in Fiji, the crew exercised the shipri...
Coast Guard Cutter Healy Departs for Fall 2024 Arctic Deployment

Coast Guard Cutter Healy Departs for Fall 2024 Arctic Deployment

U.S. Coast Guard cutter Healy departed Seattle on Oct. 1 on a months-long Arctic deployment that could eventually lead to federal policies affecting the commercial fishing industry. The cutter’s crew is supporting scientists conducting three science missions during the deployment, and other science of opportunity across a broad spectrum of disciplines will also be supported as time and weather allow, according to the Guard. The first mission supports the Arctic Port Access Route Study (PARS). During this mission, the cutter is performing bathymetric mapping in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. The Coast Guard has initiated an Arctic PARS, it said, to analyze current vessel patterns, predict future vessel needs and balance the needs of all waterway users by developing and recommending ves...
2 Medevac’d from SoCal Commercial Fishing Vessels in Unrelated Incidents

2 Medevac’d from SoCal Commercial Fishing Vessels in Unrelated Incidents

Two men were medically evacuated on the same day in the same area of Southern California in incidents that were separate and unrelated, according to the Coast Guard. On Sept. 25, a Coast Guard helicopter aircrew took a 32-year-old male off the commercial fishing vessel Legacy about a mile west of San Clemente Island. Coast Guard Sector San Diego Joint Harbor Operations Center watchstanders said they received notification from the Legacy at about 4:15 p.m. that a male crew member onboard was experiencing symptoms of a seizure and needed assistance. Watchstanders then coordinated the launch of an Air Station San Diego MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew to conduct a medevac around 5:10 p.m., according to the Coast Guard. The air crew arrived on-scene, hoisted the passenger and transferred hi...
USCG Cutter Frederick Hatch Wraps Blue Pacific Safety Patrol

USCG Cutter Frederick Hatch Wraps Blue Pacific Safety Patrol

The crew of the cutter Frederick Hatch completed a patrol period from July 22 to Aug. 12 under Operation Rematau, which showcased the U.S. Coast Guard’s maritime safety, security and stewardship work in the Blue Pacific. The patrol saw the crew cover over 1,252 nautical miles and engage in various operations, from maritime law enforcement boardings of fishing vessels to community outreach and crucial training. During the patrol, the Frederick Hatch team boarded two foreign-flagged fishing vessels in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission operational area on the high seas, with no violations reported. The cutter’s crew participated in significant community relations events in Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands, including the March-On for the 80th anniversary of the Battle o...
Coast Guard Medevacs Man from Offshore Commercial Fishing Vessel

Coast Guard Medevacs Man from Offshore Commercial Fishing Vessel

The Coast Guard completed the medevac of an ailing man from a commercial fishing vessel 480 miles offshore of Honolulu on Aug. 23. Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JRCC) Honolulu watchstanders said they received a call at 1:45 p.m. Aug. 19 from Pacific Fishing & Supply personnel. They reported that a 53-year-old crew member aboard the 68-foot fishing vessel Autumn was exhibiting stroke-like symptoms about 750 miles offshore. The Autumn crew estimated they were six days’ transit from Oahu. JRCC Honolulu watchstanders advised the vessel’s master to continue toward Oahu, then conferred with the duty flight surgeon, who recommended a medevac. Watchstanders directed the crew of Coast Guard cutter Harriet Lane to rendezvous with the Autumn about 480 miles offshore of Oahu to conduct t...
Coast Guard Cutter Kimball Returns from Fishery Regulations Enforcement Deployment

Coast Guard Cutter Kimball Returns from Fishery Regulations Enforcement Deployment

The Coast Guard cutter Kimball returned to its homeport of Base Honolulu on Aug. 1 after completing a 122-day patrol in the Northern Pacific, Bering Sea and American Arctic. The Kimball patrolled in support of Operation Alaskan Groundfish Enforcer, Alaskan Sentinel and Bering Shield, promoting maritime governance by enforcing domestic fishery regulations while countering illicit maritime activity from foreign fleets along the maritime boundary line. While deployed, the Kimball's crew detected four Chinese surface combatants operating in vicinity of the Amchitka and Amukta Passage within the U.S. exclusive economic zone in early July. “Under Operation Frontier Sentinel, Kimball monitored the Chinese vessels, meeting presence with presence to ensure there were no disruptions to U.S. int...
1 Rescued After Deadly Fishing Vessel Collision in Alaska

1 Rescued After Deadly Fishing Vessel Collision in Alaska

A good Samaritan rescued one person and divers recovered one deceased person after two vessels collided near Wrangell, Alaska the morning of June 5. A 58-foot fishing vessel and a 20-foot skiff collided, throwing someone from the skiff into the water; the person was rescued by the good Samaritan. Coast Guard Sector Southeast Alaska Command Center received the initial mayday call over VHF radio, reporting a person in the water, at about 8:52 a.m. The Coast Guard and on-scene partner agencies commenced a search for the second person. After hours of searching, a search-and-rescue diver found and eventually recovered a body inside the sunken vessel. “We offer our sincerest condolences to those affected by this terrible tragedy,” said Coast Guard Lt. Katy Coppola, search-and-rescue mission ...
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro Returns from Eastern Pacific IUU Fishing Patrol

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro Returns from Eastern Pacific IUU Fishing Patrol

U.S. Coast Guard cutter Munro returned to its Alameda, Calif. homeport on June 3 following a four-month patrol off the coasts of Central and South America in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. During the multi-mission deployment, the Munro’s crew conducted counter-narcotic and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing patrols. The 150-member crew interdicted seven panga-style vessels, three low-profile vessels and one fishing vessel suspected of trafficking narcotics. The interdictions resulted in the seizure of nearly 35,000 pounds of cocaine, more than 3,000 pounds of marijuana and more than 140 pounds of the ketamine-based hallucinogenic party drug “tuci,” according to the Coast Guard. Combined, the seized narcotics are worth an estimated $500 million in wholesale value and $2 bil...