NPFMC Votes to Reduce Trawlers’ Halibut Bycatch
Federal fisheries managers have approved a regulatory package which could reduce the future incidental halibut catch from trawlers fishing in the Bering Sea by up to 35%, a move that could result in a multimillion-dollar loss to Washington-based flatfish fishermen.
The decision of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council on abundance-based management of halibut in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands came on an 8-3 vote after several days of passionate testimony in support and opposition.
The council’s decision – made during the Dec. 13 virtual meeting – would have a devastating effect on the federal flatfish fishery off Alaska with no significant improvements to the halibut fishery, according to Chris Woodley, executive director of the Groundfish Forum, a trade association that rep...