Additional Relief Anticipated for California Fishing Industry

California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is working on a revised spending plan for California funds provided under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CARES II) that is to be submitted to NOAA Fisheries for approval. The money is part of the additional $255 million in fisheries assistance funding provided under CARES earlier this year, to aid coastal and marine fishery participants who were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDFW officials said fishery participants eligible to receive these funds include commercial fishing businesses, charter/for hire fishing businesses, and qualified aquaculture operations, as well as processors and dealers participating in marine and anadromous fisheries.

Those with a CDFW license or permit in a qualifying sector who plan to apply for relief funds are advised to ensure their contact information is up to date by July 1 by following the instructions online at

CDFW officials said applications for funds will be available by late summer and all potentially eligible CDFW license and permit holders will be notified by mail and email. Online applications are also expected to be available, and strongly encouraged for all applicants.

The additional funds will support activities previously authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

More information on fisheries relief, CDFW’s revised spend plan and requirements to apply for funds are online at CDFW’s Cares Act Fisheries Relief for California web page, and the Revised Spend Plan overview: