#FindYourSeafoodWeek, facilitated by The Local Catch Network (LCN) has a social media campaign running through Saturday, Sept. 16 to boost the visibility of domestic seafood businesses that participate in direct marketing, to sell their catch directly to consumers.
The initiative is focused on highlighting the importance of community-based fisheries in building resilient local and regional seafood systems.
Among the participants is the Alaskans Own not-for-profit fishery in Sitka, Alaska, which was founded in 2010 to make Alaska seafood more accessible to Alaskans, while also helping Alaska harvesters to make a fair wage.
All profits from Alaskans Own sales are donated for fishery conservation and health and resilience programs that benefit Alaska’s fisheries.
Alaskans Own noted in a statement that during the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic, while global supply chains faltered, the direct-to-consumer business within the Local Catch Network saw an uptick in business.
With media coverage by CNN, Good Morning America and other local, regional and national outlets, total potential media reach exceeded 234 million people in 2021.
The LCN is inviting community members to join its “boat-to-fork” movement by using the Seafood Finder to learn more about community-based fishing businesses, where they operate, how many fishermen they partner with, and the variety of fish they offer during #FYSF.
The Seafood Finder tool for businesses selling local catch is available at https://finder.localcatch.org/.
Information on how to participate in #FindYourSeafoodWeek may be downloaded from https://www.canva.com/design/DAFrv70I0Oc/h-0oB6dGe3weyrHWd88jsg/view?utm_content=DAFrv70I0Oc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink#8K_0OFeBr4_r3Tl9iksqo3egOW6vuw/edit?usp=sharing